Product start screens

Customers and trialers see product start screens when they launch their desktop app without opening a file.

Previously, these were updated with every feature release, which occured several time a year.

Originally totalling in 8 pages translated to five languages, I consolidated them down to 5 pages and made the messaging evergreen so they could be updated ad hoc.

I vetted all the existing links to ensure they were getting enough traffic to justify keeping them.

I also wanted to ensure that we weren’t pushing conversions too hard since the focus should be customer retention, i.e., providing support and helpful resources to existing customers and trialers.

This decision was also backed by data demonstrating that customers who had engaged in the e-learning community were more likely to renew their subscription.



Removed asset count to make it evergreen

Changed all titles to read “Welcome to...” and reviewed links to ensure they were getting sufficient traffic to warrant keeping

Simplified copy and made it evergreen

Simplified copy and made it evergreen

Simplified copy and made it evergreen